Beyond Positivity

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Beyond Positivity: Mindful Awareness [3 Transformative Tips for Personal Growth]

There is a method to the madness. I wanted to wish that just by changing my thoughts and wishing for a better outcome, I could really shift my reality. Could it be that easy? Trust me, I am all about metaphysical and esoterism! I want to share something that I learned along the way that will help you manifest your goals with a positive thinking mind. Trying to have more of the things we want in life can be tough. Even if everything we’ve tried so far has not worked. It’s important to pay attention to how we feel and what we think about ourselves. This helps us understand ourselves better and take care of our overall well-being. By taking the time to notice how we feel and paying attention to our thoughts, we unlock the power to create a better way of responding to whatever arises. It is through this process of self-reflection and inner exploration that we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.  If we take the time to hear and pay attention we can redirect our thoughts and our actions to a more desirable one. Here are three transformative tips that have greatly contributed to shaping a more positive way of life and harnessing the power to create and manifest your desired reality. 

1. Embrace Mindful Observation

Embracing mindful observation allows us to cultivate a heightened sense of self-awareness and connect with our present experience. To practice this, dedicate moments throughout the day to pause and engage with your surroundings. Take a deep breath and shift your focus to your present environment. Observe the sights, sounds, and sensations around you without judgment or interpretation.
While practicing mindful observation, also turn your attention inward. Notice the thoughts and emotions arising within you. Instead of getting entangled in them, find a curious and non-reactive way of allowing your thoughts to come and go. This practice can help you develop a greater understanding of your thoughts and emotions. Allowing things to come and go can allow you to do the same thing when something arises. Accepting it with no judgment and allowing it to pass. 

2.  Journaling Enables Healing

Journaling provides a powerful outlet for self-reflection and serves as a gateway to gaining insights into our inner world. Set aside regular time to engage in reflective writing. Begin by freely expressing your thoughts, emotions, and experiences without censoring or editing. Use prompts like “How do I feel in this moment?” or “What thoughts are currently occupying my mind?”, “What am I thankful for?” to guide your writing.
In addition to expressing your thoughts and emotions, leverage the provided free printable thought tracker (link at the end of the blog) to record recurring patterns and themes. Regularly reviewing your journal entries and thought tracker will help you identify triggers, uncover limiting beliefs, and recognize areas for personal growth.

3. Cultivate Empathy and Compassion 

I wanted to share a philosophical point of view, in the book “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius, he reminds us that no matter what we will encounter individuals who may challenge us/situations. Understanding where our awareness is coming from it will helps us to respond with emotional intelligence, even in the face of difficult interactions.

Recognize that everyone is fighting their own battles and that their behavior is often a reflection of their inner struggles rather than a personal attack on you.
When faced with challenging individuals, pause and take a deep breath. Remind yourself that you have the power to choose how you respond. Put yourself in their shoes, seeking to understand their perspective and motivations. Practice active listening, empathy, and compassion, responding with kindness and grace. By embracing empathy and compassion, you not only improve your own well-being but also contribute to promote more healthy and long lasting relationships.
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By consciously noticing how we feel, paying attention to our thoughts and emotions, and embracing mindful awareness, we create space for personal growth and a more empowered way of responding to life’s challenges. By incorporating practices such as mindful observation, reflective journaling, and cultivating empathy and compassion, we can navigate our lives with greater awareness and authenticity. It takes time and practice to change and see results. I invite you to start practicing by downloading this free printable for you. Hope you enjoy it and do not forget that you are the shift! 

Check out my blog on how to start Transforming Your Life today! 


Try Meditation Unlock The Power of Mindfulness (6 Easy Steps) –, Follow these simple few steps to find your inner peace. 

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